The Dutch system of higher education enjoys a worldwide reputation for high quality. Experience shows that people who have studied at a Dutch higher education institution perform very well in other parts of the world. This quality is achieved through a national system of regulation and quality assurance.

Holland was the first non-English-speaking country to offer courses taught in English. The Dutch higher education institutions together offer 1,560 international study programmes and courses, 1,543 of which are taught entirely in English. This makes Holland the front-runner in continental Europe. The Dutch education system is interactive and focuses on teamwork, which makes it easy to meet other international students. Studying in Holland means developing an open mind and increasing your international orientation.

The Netherlands is part of mainland Europe, it sits in Western Europe with an extensive coastline to the North Sea and shares land borders with Germany and Belgium. The Netherlands is also known as Holland and was the first non-native English speaking country to offer courses taught in English to international students. Now almost all courses offered to international students are taught in English and Dutch, which is great if you’re planning on studying in the Netherlands.

Study in Netherlands is similar to other popular study abroad destinations in terms of duration:

  • Bachelors Degree (BA, BSc, BEng): 3-4 Years
  • Masters Degree (MA, MSc, MEng): 1-2 Years
  • PhD: 4 Years

The higher education system in the Netherlands is made up primarily of three different types of institution, each with a unique offering to an international student. These are Research Universities, Universities of Applied Science and Institutes for International Education.

Certain degrees levels are only available from each institution type:

    • Bachelors: Available at Research Universities and Universities of Applied Sciences
    • Masters: Available at all Institution types
    • PhDs: Available only at Research Universities

    The Netherlands is an established and revered seat of higher education with 4 universities in the QS Top 100 Universities 2010/11, those institutions are University of Amsterdam, Leiden University, Utrecht University and Erasmus University Rotterdam.


As most courses and degrees run for more than one year most international students will require an entry visa called a Provisional Residence Permit or Machtiging tot Voorlopig Verblijf (MVV) in Dutch. Your MVV will allow you entry into the country for a six month period and once in the country you will need to apply for a Residence Permit – your chosen University should do this on your behalf. A Provisional Residence Permit (MVV) will only be granted if your application meets certain requirements, including but not limited to:

  • You must have a valid passport
  • You have sufficient financial means
  • All required fees have been paid
  • You have a letter from your host University stating you have or will be enrolling